• Research

    Access insights from our proprietary platforms.

  • Advisory

    Engage with experts who understand your needs.

  • Strategy

    Achieve outcomes aligned with your vision.

Discovering novel insights through immersive digital experiences.

Enterprise Hall is a boutique data consultancy that specializes in human factors engineering and human performance technology. We help organizations better understand the previously “unquantifiable” attributes of high performers and help apply them to their assessment and selection processes. Since we understand the drivers of these successful attributes, we also assist institutions develop strategies to cultivate these desirable cognitive behaviors in their stakeholder populations.

News & Announcements


WSJ: “How Do I Do That? The New Hires of 2023 Are Unprepared for Work.”


Enterprise Hall sunsets Internship Challenge incentive program to focus on core features.


WSJ: “This Summer, Lifeguards Have Better Job Prospects Than Interns.”

Who we serve.


Unlimited information now leaves many students with “analysis paralysis” and unable to decide the best path for them. Our virtual internship experience allows students maximum flexibility while discovering their professional options in an immersive environment.

Colleges & Universities

In today’s competitive climate, higher education institutions must differentiate themselves on their ability to cultivate workforce-ready graduates. We have proprietary data that allows schools to evaluate their effectiveness and chart a path to future success.

Corporations & Governments

Although inundated with options for evaluating potential hires for experience and technical aptitude, measuring “soft skill” fit is still primarily accomplished via highly subjective interview questions. We have developed a way to quantify the previously unmeasureable.

Annual Report on

Workforce Readiness

The definitive rating of workforce ready candidates from U.S. institutions.

Our Reach.


Number of weeks in the Internship Challenge

Student performance is measured via a curated set of experiences designed to expose them to critical skills.


Number of approved institutions

Leadership values quantifiable measures that both benchmarks effectiveness and tells the complete story.


Number of performance data points we measure

No more time-wasting exercises and rubrics that simply codify subjective feelings.

Are you passionate about performance?